API Basics

This document provides an overview of the basics of the Draft API. A working example is also available to follow along.

Controlled Inputs

The Editor React component is built as a controlled ContentEditable component, with the goal of providing a top-level API modeled on the familiar React controlled input API.

As a brief refresher, controlled inputs involve two key pieces:

  1. A value to represent the state of the input
  2. An onChange prop function to receive updates to the input

This approach allows the component that composes the input to have strict control over the state of the input, while still allowing updates to the DOM to provide information about the text that the user has written.

const MyInput = () => {
const [value, setValue] = useState('');
const onChange = (evt) => setValue(evt.target.value);
return <input value={value} onChange={onChange} />;

The top-level component can maintain control over the input state via this value state property.

Controlling Rich Text

In a React rich text scenario, however, there are two clear problems:

  1. A string of plaintext is insufficient to represent the complex state of a rich editor.
  2. There is no such onChange event available for a ContentEditable element.

State is therefore represented as a single immutable EditorState object, and onChange is implemented within the Editor core to provide this state value to the top level.

The EditorState object is a complete snapshot of the state of the editor, including contents, cursor, and undo/redo history. All changes to content and selection within the editor will create new EditorState objects. Note that this remains efficient due to data persistence across immutable objects.

import {Editor, EditorState} from 'draft-js';
const MyInput = () => {
const [editorState, setEditorState] = useState(() =>
return <Editor editorState={editorState} onChange={setEditorState} />;

For any edits or selection changes that occur in the editor DOM, your onChange handler will execute with the latest EditorState object based on those changes.

Last updated on by Michaël De Boey