
SelectionState is an Immutable Record that represents a selection range in the editor.

The most common use for the SelectionState object is via EditorState.getSelection(), which provides the SelectionState currently being rendered in the editor.

Keys and Offsets

A selection range has two points: an anchor and a focus. (Read more on MDN).

The native DOM approach represents each point as a Node/offset pair, where the offset is a number corresponding either to a position within a Node's childNodes or, if the Node is a text node, a character offset within the text contents.

Since Draft maintains the contents of the editor using ContentBlock objects, we can use our own model to represent these points. Thus, selection points are tracked as key/offset pairs, where the key value is the key of the ContentBlock where the point is positioned and the offset value is the character offset within the block.

Start/End vs. Anchor/Focus

The concept of anchor and focus is very useful when actually rendering a selection state in the browser, as it allows us to use forward and backward selection as needed. For editing operations, however, the direction of the selection doesn't matter. In this case, it is more appropriate to think in terms of start and end points.

The SelectionState therefore exposes both anchor/focus values and start/end values. When managing selection behavior, we recommend that you work with anchor and focus values to maintain selection direction. When managing content operations, however, we recommend that you use start and end values.

For instance, when extracting a slice of text from a block based on a SelectionState, it is irrelevant whether the selection is backward:

var selectionState = editorState.getSelection();
var anchorKey = selectionState.getAnchorKey();
var currentContent = editorState.getCurrentContent();
var currentContentBlock = currentContent.getBlockForKey(anchorKey);
var start = selectionState.getStartOffset();
var end = selectionState.getEndOffset();
var selectedText = currentContentBlock.getText().slice(start, end);

Note that SelectionState itself tracks only anchor and focus values. Start and end values are derived.


Static Methods



Use Immutable Map API to set properties.


const selectionState = SelectionState.createEmpty();
const selectionStateWithNewFocusOffset = selection.set('focusOffset', 1);

Static Methods


createEmpty(blockKey: string): SelectionState

Create a SelectionState object at the zero offset of the provided block key and hasFocus set to false.



getStartKey(): string

Returns the key of the block containing the start position of the selection range.


getStartOffset(): number

Returns the block-level character offset of the start position of the selection range.


getEndKey(): string

Returns the key of the block containing the end position of the selection range.


getEndOffset(): number

Returns the block-level character offset of the end position of the selection range.


getAnchorKey(): string

Returns the key of the block containing the anchor position of the selection range.


getAnchorOffset(): number

Returns the block-level character offset of the anchor position of the selection range.


getFocusKey(): string

Returns the key of the block containing the focus position of the selection range.


getFocusOffset(): number

Returns the block-level character offset of the focus position of the selection range.


getIsBackward(): boolean

Returns whether the focus position is before the anchor position in the document.

This must be derived from the key order of the active ContentState, or if the selection range is entirely within one block, a comparison of the anchor and focus offset values.


getHasFocus(): boolean

Returns whether the editor has focus.


isCollapsed(): boolean

Returns whether the selection range is collapsed, i.e. a caret. This is true when the anchor and focus keys are the same /and/ the anchor and focus offsets are the same.


hasEdgeWithin(blockKey: string, start: number, end: number): boolean

Returns whether the selection range has an edge that overlaps with the specified start/end range within a given block.

This is useful when setting DOM selection within a block after contents are rendered.


serialize(): string

Returns a serialized version of the SelectionState. Useful for debugging.


Use Immutable Map API to set properties.

var selectionState = SelectionState.createEmpty('foo');
var updatedSelection = selectionState.merge({
focusKey: 'bar',
focusOffset: 0,
var anchorKey = updatedSelection.getAnchorKey(); // 'foo'
var focusKey = updatedSelection.getFocusKey(); // 'bar'


The block containing the anchor end of the selection range.


The offset position of the anchor end of the selection range.


The block containing the focus end of the selection range.


The offset position of the focus end of the selection range.


If the anchor position is lower in the document than the focus position, the selection is backward. Note: The SelectionState is an object with no knowledge of the ContentState structure. Therefore, when updating SelectionState values, you are responsible for updating isBackward as well.


Whether the editor currently has focus.

Last updated on by Rounak Agarwal