Editor Component

This article discusses the API and props of the core controlled contentEditable component itself, Editor. Props are defined within DraftEditorProps.



See API Basics for an introduction.


editorState: EditorState;

The EditorState object to be rendered by the Editor.


onChange: (editorState: EditorState) => void

The onChange function to be executed by the Editor when edits and selection changes occur.

Presentation (Optional)


placeholder?: string

Optional placeholder string to display when the editor is empty.

Note: You can use CSS to style or hide your placeholder as needed. For instance, in the rich editor example, the placeholder is hidden when the user changes block styling in an empty editor. This is because the placeholder may not line up with the cursor when the style is changed.


textAlignment?: DraftTextAlignment

Optionally set the overriding text alignment for this editor. This alignment value will apply to the entire contents, regardless of default text direction for input text.

You may use this if you wish to center your text or align it flush in one direction to fit it within your UI design.

If this value is not set, text alignment will be based on the characters within the editor, on a per-block basis.


textDirectionality?: DraftTextDirectionality

Optionally set the overriding text directionality for this editor. The values include 'RTL' for right-to-left text, like Hebrew or Arabic, and 'LTR' for left-to-right text, like English or Spanish. This directionality will apply to the entire contents, regardless of default text direction for input text.

If this value is not set, text directionality will be based on the characters within the editor, on a per-block basis.


blockRendererFn?: (block: ContentBlock) => ?Object

Optionally set a function to define custom block rendering. See Advanced Topics: Block Components for details on usage.


blockRenderMap?: DraftBlockRenderMap

Provide a map of block rendering configurations. Each block type maps to element tag and an optional react element wrapper. This configuration is used for both rendering and paste processing. See Advanced Topics: Custom Block Rendering for details on usage.


blockStyleFn?: (block: ContentBlock) => string

Optionally set a function to define class names to apply to the given block when it is rendered. See Advanced Topics: Block Styling for details on usage.


customStyleMap?: Object

Optionally define a map of inline styles to apply to spans of text with the specified style. See Advanced Topics: Inline Styles for details on usage.


customStyleFn?: (style: DraftInlineStyle, block: ContentBlock) => ?Object

Optionally define a function to transform inline styles to CSS objects that are applied to spans of text. See Advanced Topics: Inline Styles for details on usage.

Behavior (Optional)


autoCapitalize?: string

Set if auto capitalization is turned on and how it behaves. More about platform availability and usage can be found on mdn.


autoComplete?: string

Set if auto complete is turned on and how it behaves. More about platform availability and usage can be found on mdn.


autoCorrect?: string

Set if auto correct is turned on and how it behaves. More about platform availability and usage can be found on MDN.


readOnly?: boolean

Set whether the editor should be rendered as static DOM, with all editability disabled.

This is useful when supporting interaction within custom block components or if you only want to display content for a static use case.

Default is false.


spellCheck?: boolean

Set whether spellcheck is turned on for your editor.

Note that in OSX Safari, enabling spellcheck also enables autocorrect, if the user has it turned on. Also note that spellcheck is always disabled in IE, since the events needed to observe spellcheck events are not fired in IE.

Default is false.


stripPastedStyles?: boolean

Set whether to remove all information except plaintext from pasted content.

This should be used if your editor does not support rich styles.

Default is false.

DOM and Accessibility (Optional)


ARIA props

These props allow you to set accessibility properties on your editor. See DraftEditorProps for the exhaustive list of supported attributes.


editorKey?: string

You probably won't set editorKey on an <Editor /> manually unless you're rendering a Draft component serverside. If you are, you must set this prop to avoid server/client mismatches.

If the key is not set, it is generated automatically when the component renders and assigned as a prop of the Editor's <DraftEditorContents /> component.

If you do set this prop, the key should be unique per-editor, as it is used to determine if styles should be preserved when pasting text within an editor.

Cancelable Handlers (Optional)

These prop functions are provided to allow custom event handling for a small set of useful events. By returning 'handled' from your handler, you indicate that the event is handled and the Draft core should do nothing more with it. By returning 'not-handled', you defer to Draft to handle the event.


handleReturn?: (
e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent,
editorState: EditorState,
) => DraftHandleValue

Handle a RETURN keydown event. Example usage: Choosing a mention tag from a rendered list of results to trigger applying the mention entity to your content.


handleKeyCommand?: (
command: string,
editorState: EditorState,
eventTimeStamp: number,
) => DraftHandleValue

Handle the named editor command. See Advanced Topics: Key Bindings for details on usage.


handleBeforeInput?: (
chars: string,
editorState: EditorState,
eventTimeStamp: number,
) => DraftHandleValue

Handle the characters to be inserted from a beforeInput event. Returning 'handled' causes the default behavior of the beforeInput event to be prevented (i.e. it is the same as calling the preventDefault method on the event). Example usage: After a user has typed - at the start of a new block, you might convert that ContentBlock into an unordered-list-item.

At Facebook, we also use this to convert typed ASCII quotes into "smart" quotes, and to convert typed emoticons into images.


handlePastedText?: (
text: string,
html?: string,
editorState: EditorState,
) => DraftHandleValue

Handle text and html(for rich text) that has been pasted directly into the editor. Returning true will prevent the default paste behavior.


handlePastedFiles?: (files: Array<Blob>) => DraftHandleValue

Handle files that have been pasted directly into the editor.


handleDroppedFiles?: (
selection: SelectionState,
files: Array<Blob>,
) => DraftHandleValue

Handle files that have been dropped into the editor.


handleDrop?: (
selection: SelectionState,
dataTransfer: Object,
isInternal: DraftDragType,
) => DraftHandleValue

Handle other drop operations.

Key Handlers (Optional)

Draft lets you supply a custom keyDown handler that wraps or overrides its default one.


keyBindingFn?: (e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent) => ?string

This prop function exposes keyDown events to a handler of your choosing. If an event of interest happens, you can perform custom logic and/or return a string corresponding to a DraftEditorCommand or a custom editor command of your own creation. Example: At Facebook, this is used to provide keyboard interaction for the mentions autocomplete menu that appears when typing a friend's name. You can find a more detailed explanation of this here.

Mouse events


onFocus?: (e: SyntheticFocusEvent) => void


onBlur?: (e: SyntheticFocusEvent) => void



focus(): void

Force focus back onto the editor node.


blur(): void

Remove focus from the editor node.

Last updated on by maarekj