
Entity is a static module containing the API for creating, retrieving, and updating entity objects, which are used for annotating text ranges with metadata. This module also houses the single store used to maintain entity data.

This article is dedicated to covering the details of the API. See the advanced topics article on entities for more detail on how entities may be used.

Please note that the API for entity storage and management has changed recently; for details on updating your application see our v0.10 API Migration Guide.

Entity objects returned by Entity methods are represented as DraftEntityInstance immutable records. These have a small set of getter functions and should be used only for retrieval.




create (Deprecated in favour of contentState.createEntity)

type: DraftEntityType,
mutability: DraftEntityMutability,
data?: Object
): string

The create method should be used to generate a new entity object with the supplied properties.

Note that a string is returned from this function. This is because entities are referenced by their string key in ContentState. The string value should be used within CharacterMetadata objects to track the entity for annotated characters.

add (Deprecated in favour of contentState.addEntity)

add(instance: DraftEntityInstance): string

In most cases, you will use Entity.create(). This is a convenience method that you probably will not need in typical Draft usage.

The add function is useful in cases where the instances have already been created, and now need to be added to the Entity store. This may occur in cases where a vanilla JavaScript representation of a ContentState is being revived for editing.

get (Deprecated in favour of contentState.getEntity)

get(key: string): DraftEntityInstance

Returns the DraftEntityInstance for the specified key. Throws if no instance exists for that key.

mergeData (Deprecated in favour of contentState.mergeEntityData)

key: string,
toMerge: {[key: string]: any}
): DraftEntityInstance

Since DraftEntityInstance objects are immutable, you cannot update an entity's metadata through typical mutative means.

The mergeData method allows you to apply updates to the specified entity.

replaceData (Deprecated in favour of contentState.replaceEntityData)

key: string,
newData: {[key: string]: any}
): DraftEntityInstance

The replaceData method is similar to the mergeData method, except it will totally discard the existing data value for the instance and replace it with the specified newData.

Last updated on by Yangshun Tay